Giving Back to Children in Need
Join us in helping children who are facing challenges to their health and wellbeing have a better future through hands-on assistance and donations.
meals donated to fight child hunger to date.
what sets us apart
Our mission is to provide a better quality of life for all children.
We believe by providing children the resources they need and bringing joy into their life, they are given the opportunity to become healthy and fulfilled adults who believe in the culture of giving back to help others in their community and around the world.
Registered Charitable Organization
It’s 4 the Kids Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization focused on helping children who are facing challenging times through the donation of both time and money.
Of Donations Go Directly to the Kids
You deserve to know where your donations are going, and we believe in full transparency. At It’s 4 the Kids, 100% of every dollar donated goes directly to a cause or program that supports children in need.
Of Costs are Covered by the Founder
Any expenses and administrative costs It’s 4 the Kids encounters are taken on directly by the Founder, Ricky Patel. It’s our way of saying thank you for being involved and sharing our mission and vision.
how we help
How do we help
children in need?
We go beyond providing just the basics of food, water, and shelter to bring joy and happiness into children’s lives by making them feel special.
Children’s Hospitals
Foster Homes
Underfunded Schools
“The only prerequisite to helping a child in need is the desire to give.”

children have benefited
from pitch perfect
our causes
We do it all for the kids.
help us reach our goal
Our Million Meal Pledge
At It’s 4 the Kids, we are focused on ensuring kids have everything they need to thrive. This starts with nutritious meals to allow kids to focus on their education and find joy in their lives. Want to help?

make a difference
It’s time to make the world a better place.
Giving back to children is one of the best ways to make the future brighter.